Wednesday, November 14, 2007


OK, so I got it. And I feel like crap. So it'll be brief tonight before I get some early shut-eye. Baby sick again, wife still sick, and now me. Hangin' in there, but drawback of contracting: nowork=no$. So, I am bearing through as much of the work days as I can fever.
ON another note, worried about damn stove. Made beeping and gave a "fault error". Upon dissection and further inspection, small burnout spot on the inside of the digital display. Translation: use it and endure the incessant beeping or buy the new display (hereto discontinued by the fine folks at Sears) that I found at one single place after googling the 'net. Sounds risky. Beeping isn't that annoying is it?
Who needs a damn stove or range anyway. Nuke the crap.
Well, I need to go rest.
Have fun out there world. Try to blog more later when sane.

P.S. Bad market: big up then big down. I am getting seasick. I think I'll just close my eyes and wait.

P.S.s. Experts >;) are more and more convinced that gas prices will drop, barring an Iran invasion. Some crazy nuts think as much as a 30-40% drop. I wouldn't be surprised if they are right a year from now, but only if Bush doesn't do anything stupid. (I guess you could assume we are doomed)

Perhaps this should be illegal:
as should this: {Gosh darn funny. Can you make fun of the man, he gets a lot of poon.}


furiousBall said...

I swear we're all going to be living in caves if we don't wake up and start using alternative fuel sources.

furiousBall said...

I'm working on one of the projects you hadn't quite completed before you left here and I added an item to my To Do list today that greatly disturbed me when I saw it in written form...

"Examine Paul's package"


kuntzy said...

lmao. Dude, sorry you got stuck with holding the bag. Don't you hate when packages fall on your lap?
Hope it isn't anything too hard!