So, This weekend was extremely tiring. 80% of the fam was sick, incl. me. My infant started us off on Wed. last week, then it was my 4 yo on Thursday, then my wife on Sat. night. Meantime, I have been fighting off the fevers and cold stuff. I am not allowed to be sick, as someone has to take care of the others. Miraculously, my 6 yo didn't get sick yet. My baby is almost fully recovered and the 4 yo is on the mend. But my wife had a 101.4 today on the ear thermo. That left me running around doing all the normal 2-person tasks. I am pretty damn tired.
All that running around just reminds me how hard it must be for single mothers or fathers. How dare the republican right laid into single mothers in the late 80's. You try wiping your baby's ass while carrying your feverish 40 lb. 4 yo in your arms, all while sporting your own fever. Not too easy. I can't imagine how it must be. 'Course I had to take care of the wife as well. My oldest helped me clean the play room, his bedroom, and (god bless him) he tried to sponge the table off as well.
I rewarded him with his favorite special treat: three musketeers bars. He helped me make it through the weekend and even went online, printed, and colored a get well sign for his mommy. How nice is he? Better than me. I didn't do anything super special for her.....
Well, a new work week begins. This one will be interesting I suppose. I am really hoping that I get picked up full time. We'll see. Last week was bad for the stock market :( But I am holding for now and have either commodities-based stocks (gas, oil, copper, etc.), target (LOVE Target!!!), and some banking. YES, banking! You watch these banks make their money back without breaking a stride or lowering a dividend. How? Easy: someone will be financing the foreclosures, the purchases of the foreclosures, and the forclosed-people's new homes. It will end up evening out in the end. Good time to get in on some all-around banking funds or ETF's to avoid any single source of risk. Need a cheap place to start? Check out ING. Email me and find out how you and I can make money by you opening an account. Low auto-investment downpayment and low continual contribution. Cost of bring lunch vs. eating out for a month. Good stuff.
Well, that's all for now. For anyone out there reading this: hang in there. Love you all. Ya, I do!
For now,
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