Hello again out there!
How's it going. Fun weekend. We had some final soccer games for the kids, some birthday parties, and other fun this weekend. It was pretty crazy, but in a nice way.
This upcoming weekend will be crazy too, as we're taking the family to B'more for a engagement party. It will be nice, though, that the in-laws will be there to assist with the kids. That makes it easier for me to enjoy the basics: eating, talking, socializing.
As for the week, it will be an interesting one. Many deliverables this week at work and of course the people who need to provide me stuff are late. Isn't that always the way it is?
I like the talk to my old CBH friends. I miss everybody there. I cannot say I miss the commute, gas prices, tolls, etc. But I miss the folks I worked hard with over the last 2+ years of my life. I am much less stressed out at this job and I LOVE picking up and dropping off the kids. Very fulfilling to me.
And I guess that is what it is all about, huh?
Stock market down this week, but no worries. It is all about people worried about banks. Well folks: banks will recover. Remember, they have money, they make money, and they acquire money. They will be fine. Amazes me to think that some of the larger ones are losing $11 BB in bad debt. That is more than everybody you know will ever make. And they will lose it and bounce back. Amazing. Sometimes you have to wonder how the f these banks got so large in the first place.
Hey, it is there fault for extending risky loans and the consumer's fault for taking them. If everybody lived within their means, there wouldn't be any problem now.
Anyway, enough of the ramblings.
Check out the picture above. Me looking kinds of homely, getting a hug from my little guy.
Well, that's all for now.
1 comment:
Man, that is one cute kid on your shoulder. Must have been a lot of hard work making a cute kid!! We definitely miss ya up here and although it looks like Wendy is in better spirits, we need you back!! You missed Halloween here, I will send you a jpg of what I dressed as....our theme was the Lion King....the craziest halloween I have ever seen in the work environment...nothing you warned me about prepared me for that one!!
Be Sound.
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