Friday, November 30, 2007

OK, now for a break

So, I get it. Enough about the stocks for the weekend. Busy weekend ahead. The older boys are starting indoor soccer tomorrow. This is the first season of indoor, though they have both been in outdoor before. Then we are going to get a real tree tomorrow, in lieu of Sunday (wintry mix?). So I guess Sunday frees up for some football....
JC's first word was uh-oh, very fitting. His third word, though, was football. (Second was simply ball). He seems very enthralled by football and cheers for the teams as they run the ball. He even seems to pick up when an incompletion occurs, because he says " Ohhhhhhhhhh". I am completely fascinated by his interest at 17 months. He now can say a version of touchdown and raises one or both of his arms. It is damn cute.
My other two are not too interested in football just yet. Though my wife and I have brainwashed them to like the Ravens and Broncos. They are also brainwashed by their teachers to like the Eagles, so needless to say, they are confused as to who to like.
The same situation happens in baseball with the Yankees, Orioles, and Phillies.
They like the Blue Rocks too (Wilm.'s AA team), but that is okay since it is the hometown team, right?
Well sort of.
At any rate, things are going well. I saw an old buddy from MBNA (yeah, that place) and he talked about maybe wanting to go back. But it's simply not the same after BofA took over. I think he wouldn't like it nearly as much as he did before.
I suppose after 15 years of working for the same place you will feel attached when you helped it grow from a fledgling company to a mega-corporation. I guess that is the nature of change, right?
Just remember the good times >;)
(note the sarcasm).
Well, my wife is off to a show with a friend (girl... giggity). So I get to spend quality time with my best buddies and watch the taped shrek-the-halls, eat ice cream, and party. Party time at the Kuntz household.
Later out there folks,

P.S. More stock stuff to follow next week, I promise.


David J said...

JC is one of your kids right? You werent talkin about Jebus right? I dont think they had football in Israel back then. Who knows. If Reggie White were around, maybe I can ask him to speak to JC and tell me.

Shrek the Halls along with the Grinch have been replaying in my VCR since Wed night. Yes paul, VCR. Us here on the other side of the tracks in marlton still use VCRs. No Tivo subscriptions. No Dvrs. Good old beta max! kidding ofcourse, its VHS!

Tomorrow is Dad-Dan day. Looking forward to it. Its a day when the weef is at work and the step-son is actually at his dad's for once. I have a full day planned including raking leaves with him which means either I will be throwing him into the leaf piles or he will be messing up my leaf piles. either way, i hope it wears him out before his nap time.
Speaking of nap times, when do kids lose the need for a nap? He's 2.5 now and still needs one, thank The Maker. Its the only time I get to relax myself.

Back to football- can you believe its week 13 already? That is not good. That means only a few more Sundays before I actually have to spend time with the weef. Feb-end of August is when I need to hibernate from the world.

Unfortunately it doesnt work that way so I just day dream all day, thinking of free agency, the draft, mini camps and september.

have a good weekend. Find me a Wii. Or let me borrow yours. I will give it back. Someday

David J said...

ps- you have an assignment. research and find out who makes the stuff inside the nintendo wii's....that's a company that is going to make money!!

kuntzy said...

Well, the boat has sailed on making money off the wii. It is already priced into the stock. As for JC, yes that's my little guy John. As for the no nap, it varies. My middle one is approaching 5 and suffers 'cause they don't nap at school.
Have a good weekend. Here's hopin' the Broncos score a win.

furiousBall said...

i think you should introduce them to Eagles football, will teach them colorful language and also what it means to struggle and never succeed.

David J said...

paul, its already priced in what stock? I meant companies that make the components and their stock, not nintendo itself. you figure, if demand is stronger than supply, then the companies that make the microchips and such will watch their stock price continue to rise.

kuntzy said...

yeah, but you are coming to that realization about 18 months after the analysts on wall st. did. So, the boat is missed. The next way to catch a similar trend is to figure out who will make the next big system, like figuring out that msft was due up for a home run with the halo3 release (yes, I had msft from $30 through the $36 spike after halo3 came out).
Analysts will already have priced in continued performance to all of the manufacturers who supply wii. you want the next best thing, if nanosolar ever goes public, buy them!!!
Will revolutionize energy production in the world. Look at the money rolling in so far: $$