So this person is chastising us for not mowing the lawn or raking leaves. My dad and I spent an entire Saturday raking leaves. I submit to you exhibits a and b, examples of the current condition of our yard at the time of receiving the letter in the mail:
Now, granted, our yard isn't the prettiest and I have tried to spruce it up (the bushes I bought from Lowes died). But I don't think it is disgraceful and certainly don't appreciate the cowardly way this person decided to mention this to us. Happy Holidays: you suck. Well, my wife is now paranoid that they are watching us. I figure I'll place a sign on the mailbox and video tape who looks at it. Catch the person in the act. On the sign it'll say something like "Thanks for the letter, smile for the camera!".
Maybe they like being watched. Why would someone decide to be such an informal person about it. If they have a problem, report me to the Civic association. Why do this cowardly act of bitchiness? I am constantly amazed at the lengths people go to be stupid. Why don't they tackle illegal activities in our neighborhood, like the people who walk their animals without a leash (there is a leash law in our state), or the people who let their animals poop in my yard, or the people who insist on walking in the center of the road while there is a very well maintained set of sidewalks on both sides of the road? Clearly this yahoo has nothing better to do. In fact, after getting this letter I took a look at other yards, and ours is on par. There are yards that are solid beds of leaves. Why us? Also, they don't know our condition. They could easily have been giving this to a person who was temporarily disabled. Or having medical issues. People suck sometimes.
At any rate, once my wife gets back from coaching my son's soccer game, I'll be out in the 20 degree weather raking leaves and then mowing the lawn. But I have proof that it wasn't bad before.
People suck. Tell me they don't.
On other fronts, things seem to be opening up for me to try and work me out of my boring job funk. I am not sure exactly which way to go for the future, but I imagine I'll know within a week or so. Many options seem to be appearing.
We'll see.
By the way, my wife happens to be friends with a board member of our civic association and forwarded a copy of the letter to her last night. It's good to have connections. I mean, we don't have a friggin rusty engine block in our yard or something...
Later. Thanks for letting me air this out. I am pissed off. truly.
i'm guessing that was a practical joke. had to have been, but don't let that stop you from just randomly knocking on doors and kicking ass
i truly don't think it was. i think it was our direct neighbor.
if your yard is bad in their opinion, who ever wrote that note would have a heart attack if they lived in my development.
Not only should you not rake your leaves or mow now until the spring, but you should make all efforts to go and pile as many leaves as you can find onto your yard and dare the person to notify you again. Go into the woods, rake up leaves and bring them to the front of your house making one huge ass pile
Hey Pauly,
I assume today's a good day for more rakin? atleast its good exercise and gets you outdoors right? i still stand by my thoughts where you go out of your way for extra leaves and dump them all over your yard and dare the mofo to give you more of the business. Stand in the middle of your big pile of leaves, as you are the king of your pile. Throw down your rake and spit. "DO I NOT ENTERTAIN!?"
I look forward to your blog updates. I put out a new one on mine...enjoy the weekend/raking
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