Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Hi Dave.

That should be said with that eerie HAL computer voice from 2001 a Space Odyssey. Anyway, didn't mean to offend you with my no personal thing. You are totally right, people want to know what's up in your life.
So here goes, I went to work this morning as normal. Must say that I enjoy commuting with the wife and kids and only driving for 15 minutes. Work is okay, nothing spectacular yet. As a contractor, you are sort of the outsider and that makes it odd. People are helpful because they realize they are paying you for a specific job and they damn well better not impede you from doing it. On the other hand, since I am solely focused on a single project, there is little distraction (other than my own ramblings) from the task at hand. Plus, no logging in at night and no worries about whether something I put together is running correctly overnight.
All in all, seems pretty nice now. For now, I feel that I could be more productive, since I am not stressed out. But I am sure in time that will pass.
Took my son to his second pack meeting for scouts and the whole family came. It was mass chaos. I don't recall the scout meetings of my youth being so filled with screaming wild beasts running around. But then again, I was one of them, so perhaps that is why I don't remember. At any rate, I am pretty frustrated about the fact that I am supposed to be the tiger den leader and don't know who is in my den after 2 months. Pretty irritating to me and the other parents.
Can't wait for Halloween tomorrow. Should be fun handing out and eating the candy.
I have drawn baby watch and therefore will be the doorman handing out candy. Also should be interesting. Perhaps during the large lulls in "traffic" I can catch up on Cell by Stephen King. I picked it up from Christmas Tree Shops for $2.99 hardcover. I suppose there might be some missing pages or something to surprise me, but that is a DEAL!!
Gotta love Christmas Tree Shops.

Before I go, a few finance things: 1. when is the best time to invest: NOW; 2. but K, I don't have any money to invest - you do, just don't realize it; 3. watch the FED tomorrow. Big decisions are brewing; 4. Lastly, take advantage of your friends: they are there to shamelessly abuse.

Seriously though: referrals=good. And that applies to new accounts, job referrals, etc.

So now, the sign off.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Another One

Ah yes, to all my friends out there in looking-for-job-land.
Let me know! I can put you in touch with a number of recruiters than can find something for you.



Merge onto the digital superhighway.

OK, a bunch of my friends have started blogging and I just had to get in on it. So here goes. (Let's take wagers as to how many days this lasts!!).
So, I am probably not going to win awards, but then I don't find it useful to ramble on about my day's activities. Instead, lets focus on some stocks, shall we?
So, who knew, NIHD. What a stock to follow. Explosive growth in the South American cellular phone market has made riding this bad boy very profitable. Until they released their killer earnings that is.
Check out the analysts opinions on this one: NIHD . So why does it languish in the low 60's? Who knows. My best guess is that people had a mass sell off in anticipation of a sharp rise, only to be greatly disappointed at their automatic sell orders set pre-market. Well, stupid me not to buy in for more. Since it's post-earnings news and the dramatic drop from $68 down to $52, the stock has made a wicked recovery back to $62, a rise from the low of ~20% ( See for yourself!. Not bad. Expect this stock to be in the 80's by year end as holiday phone sales blow away earnings estimates.
Here's another one for you: Schering Plough. (SGP). Took a killing dropping to a localized low of $28 on Oct. 22nd. Since then, SGP has risen back up over $31, another whopping gain of ~10% in one week. Schering-Plough . Watch this stock too. With a PE of only 25 and a Yield of 1%, this stock is a hold steady for sold earnings. Consider riding the wave on this between $30 and $33.

Alright, had enough? Not even close. Want to cash in on the increase in the price of energy? RDC, DO, XOM are all great, high-yield picks. Pay attention to Exxon-Mobil as they get ready to report earnings later this week. How can you argue with the MOST profitable company on the planet? They stand to make more and more money as the $/barrel goes up. In addition, watch the on-going (YES, even still) saga of the Exxon Valdez. Good news from this Supreme Court hearing could raise the stock modestly. Couple that with good earnings, and XOM could top $100 itself ;).

Some analysts claim oil will drop to ~$60/ barrel. Very likely it is young paduan, but don't expect that to happen before the winter oil season is over. A cold winter could keep elevated prices while refineries and upped Saudi production start to come online.

Well, that's enough ramblings for now.